Body Positivity &

Weight Loss Coaching


Don’t wait to feel great!

Love yourself at every size. Even right now. I’ll show you how.


“Stop hating yourself for everything you aren’t. Start loving yourself for everything you are.”

—Corinne Crabtree

One crumb at a time

Think you can’t lose weight because you’re too stressed? Too tired? Menopause has taken over your life? Too much of a foodie?

Yeah, I thought so too. Until I learned to make micro-changes.


Quips, Quotes & Crumbs

A collection of my thoughts, others’ ideas, and random musings to inspire you to love every step of your journey.

Lose your mental weight

Lose your mental weight

Love yourself at every size

Love yourself at every size

Look for evidence

Look for evidence


Let’s get started!

Lose your weight for the very last time.

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